April 2001

Golf Tourney

Scheduled for mid September. Keep an eye out for tee sponsors and possible raffle ideas.

Bahamas Tour

All money is due in NOW! Please submit any t-shirt ideas to John or Joe.

25th Anniversary Banquet

July 14th 6-12 PM. Drinks, dinner, drinking, dancing, more drinking, etc. Olympic Resort Hotel. Please notify all former players you know.

Our Season Banquet

May 5th Joe's house, starting 3PM ?til whenever. This is the Awards banquet where everyone gets some recognition!

Gurkha Kit Bags

If you want a Gurkha kit bag, Joe needs $50 by Easter.



? Martin and Renata - no longer (Baby boy-Gabriel Ellis)

? Ben & Cynthia Willis - still

? Chris& Tina DeFalco - finally

? Tony & Dave - still trying

? Jeff & Hand - still hopeful

The Jackson 5:

? David and Patricia moved to Arizona

? Rene got promoted so is able to play again

? Blaise bought a house in Fallbrook

? Cindy moved to Minnesota "for work"

On The Move

? With Blaise out of the Bat Cave the door is opened for the newest Super Hero - Dan Beaulieu

? Miguel is in Japan for his brother's wedding - Sake sales are up!

? Sleeper has moved to the East Coast "for work"

? Dave March has moved in with Bad Andy (some one needs to tell him he can't get a green card for that type of marriage)

? Gareth Mills has moved to New Jersey to play with Lou's old club

? Welcome to new members Sean Milstead,< and Gavin (Geordie!), who makes us long for the days of Jeff McCoy (keep diving out of bathroom ceilings mate!).

Loss To The Aztecs

I can't bring myself to write about this.

2nd Loss To Aztecs

Phil Martinez led a so-called Gurkha drinking team to 2 consecutive losses in boat racing. Special mention goes to Darin Meyers for his lead off skills.

Last Game of Season

For those not in attendance, we played SOC in a blinding rainstorm! And instead of getting the 80 points we needed to gain entry to the playoffs, we barely pulled out a 10-7 win. Give SOC credit they came to play and almost won.

Injury Report

? Allan "L. C." Armstrong - broken ankle

? Blackadder - 9 stitches

? Scott Wilkes - concussion or was it dehydration due to the Dreaded Demon Rum

? Darin - broken orbital bone

? Spill ? pride


Tues at Carlsbad on the beach 6 pm

Thurs at the park in R. B. 6 pm

Polo shirts are still available!

The High School team plays this weekend (14th) at the "little Q" at 1:30PM

Garage Sale

We're trying it again! Sale is at Ray & Claire's on Sat the 28th. Proceeds will go to the tour fund. Those of you going on tour, this is a great opportunity for us. Please help out in some way.

Heard 'Round The Pitch

Back Out Next Year:

? Ten Minute Troy Ferris

? Whateryadoin' Sean O'Connell (negligee boy!)

? Rene The Horse Whisperer" Jackson