Things at hand

I?d like to start by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We did not get a newsletter out last month, so we have lots of news this month.

The Gurkhas are entering into their 25th season and we would like to make it a successful one. However, the numbers at training have been lacking. We are behind schedule on fitness and we are nowhere near ready for our first league game.

So we will have to do a lot of work in the next few weeks, starting with a game this Saturday against OMBAC 3rd team. It is at the OMBAC field, which is in the southwest corner of Qualcomm Stadium, the old Charger training facility. The game will be at 2:30pm, we will meet at the field at 1:30.

OMBAC ?s 1st team will be playing Sacramento before us. This will be the last opportunity to prepare as a team for the up coming season.

We are looking forward to a good turnout for our first league game on Jan 20th in L.A. against the LA Rugby Club. We need everyone present at training in order to have effective and productive training sessions. We haven?t had enough players to pack down a scrum or fill two opposing teams. HELP!!!!!

Club Happenings

CIPP - We have 25 members who have completed the CIPP registration forms. The Union requires us to have 35. Anyone expecting to play this year must have this form filled out. There is a fee of $25.00. Please contact John Gibb either at training or at his home phone #760-729-2863.

ID Cards ? As well as CIPP, all players must also have a Rugby Union ID card. These must be updated every four years, which requires a passport photo, $5.00, and a completed form. Contact John Gibb to verify your ID card status.

DUES ? New members $100.00. Returning club members $150.00. Non playing social members $35.00. Dues should be paid before the first league game. If you need to setup a payment schedule, or just make a payment, contact Alan Miles at training or at his home phone #760-945-0086.

RECRUITING ? As we have mentioned, we obviously need more players. So as an incentive, the Gurkhas are offering a $50.00 discount off your yearly dues for each dues paying new club member you bring to the team.


We have secured the Encinitas field for our home games for the entire season. I?m sure our support of the Encinitas Parks and Recreation Dept. (petition drive & Encinitas 5K) helped in the decision to put Rugby ahead of the many other sports vying for the limited space available. Now we have the opportunity to help both them and us to get a large sports park built in the city of Encinitas.

There is 44 acres of land that the city is trying to acquire on the southwest corner of I5 and Santa Fe Blvd. There will be a public hearing on Jan 23rd at 6pm at the Encinitas City Hall. At this meeting, they would like the support of all sports clubs in the area to come out and help convince the city council that there is a great need for more sports fields. If this is successful, this could solve both their and our needs for many years to come. If you think you will be able to attend, please contact me, Joe Clarke 760-724-3436.


We have two major events planned for this 25th anniversary year. May 18th ? 27th will be the Gurkhas?s first overseas tour. We will be going to the Bahamas, of course everyone is welcome. We need to get the payments in. Please bring your tour payment up to date. Also, we are planning a formal 25th anniversary banquet dinner & dance. For this, we would like to get in touch with as many former players as we possibly can. If you know anyone, or if you know anyone who knows anyone who has ever played for the Gurkhas in the past 25 years, contact me, Joe Clarke. I am trying to put together a list of former players to ask to attend our anniversary celebrations. With all this on our plate, we need your help. We need volunteers to help with both these events.


The big news of the day, month, year, and decade ? Blaise and Donna are engaged. Congratulations and best wishes (this is your last chance to play rugby as a free man).

Phil and Lena have decided to do the next best thing, live in sin (good luck Lena). Lena is already making decorating changes ? CLEANING.

Not to be out done, Blackadder and Dave Levine have decided to take their relationship to the next level and live in sin.

New Years Eve was quite eventful in Carlsbad. Just for something different, Vino decided to get into a fight. Phil did not hesitate to offer assistance. The poor kids who tried picking a fight with Vino did not know what hit them.

And then there was Blackadder. He figured if Skip could have a girl half his age, Blackadder would get one twice his age, and he succeeded. Please, someone explain to him, it does not work that way.


Gurkhas super bowl party ? Sunday, January 28th. $10.00 per person will cover all the food and beverage. Let Joe know if you are interested so we know how many to cater for.

Last but not least, We are planning on observing VD Day (that?s Valentine?s Day) on Friday evening February 16th, with a train trip to San Juan Capistrano for dinner and then dancing at The Swallows. Trains leave Oceanside at approximately 5pm & 7pm. Last train leaves San Juan at 11pm. (This is a good way to go out drinking with the boys and pretend it?s for her).