Things at hand:

Has it been a month already? I look forward to passing on information to the loyal readers to the finest newsletter in North County. I will type only as fast as you can read, okay? Ready, set, and go.

Union Happenings:

This coming Saturday, September 9th, the AGM meeting will be taking place at the University of California, Long Beach. This reporter has some good news and some bad news, which do you want to read first? The good news is that the Orange County Islanders have disbanded and that means we do not have them in our division. The bad news is that the union is bringing up another team from third division to make the teams even in the second division and that means another Islander team will be making that move. This team was the top team in third division last season. This rugby club goes by the name of South Bay Islanders.

Just A Reminder:

PAYMENTS FOR THE BAHAMAS TOUR ARE DUE BY THE END OF THE MONTH. Let?s get those payments in people. You can give your payment to President Joe. Make sure that he gives you a receipt. The tour dates are from May 18th-27th 2001.

Flight and Hotel Information:

Dates Flights Cities Times

18 May US 52 Los Angeles-Charlotte 11:35pm-6:59am

19 May US 642 Charlotte-Nassau 8:00am-10:05am

27 May US 631 Nassau-Charlotte 2:13pm-4:20pm

27 May US 77 Charlotte-Los Angeles 5:00pm-6:56pm

COST: (per person)


SINGLE $1999

DOUBLE $1185

TRIPLE $1114

QUAD $1078


Round Trip Airfare

8 Nights Accommodations

Airport and Match Transfers

Match Arrangements

*Continental Breakfast at Comfort Suites

Club Happenings:

For those of you who haven't heard yet, training is now going on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. On Tuesdays, the training is held at the Rancho Bernardo Community Park and on Thursdays, the training is held in Del Mar on the beach. The training has been changed for those who could not make the Monday-Wednesday training days. The sad part is that there are about the same number of people showing up for the Tuesday-Thursday training. We need for everyone to start making these training sessions. We have Park City and our 10's tournament coming up.

The raffle for the quarter-ton of beer is up and running. From the feed back that we are getting, it is an easy sale. Some of the boys are coming back and asking for more books to sale. If you are having trouble selling the raffle tickets that you already have, let President Joe know and he can re-distribute them to those are having no problems selling them. If that is your case, get the raffle tickets turned in as soon as possible. The donation is $2.00 PER ticket; not 3 tickets for $5.00 or whatever bargains you can haggle. The money from the raffle tickets will have to pay for the printing, the beer, and whatever other expenses that may come from this raffle. You are only cheating your rugby club by wheeling and dealing and not doing what you have been asked to do.

GOLF TOURNAMENT, need I say more? Time is no longer an ally, things are going to go at break neck speed here in a few weeks. We need the monies for the tee sponsorships and foursomes need to be turned in PDQ. The money for the foursomes is the priority. President Joe has to let the golf course know how many players we are looking at attending this tournament. Even though you may not be on a committee, please talk to people you know, who may be interested in playing. And if you have never played golf before, try it and support the club. Who knows, you just might like it.

They've finally arrived. The Entertainment books are now in. If you had not received you books to sale, get in touch with President Joe or Claire (Pop's wife). Again, money for the rugby club. The books go for $40.00 and they pay for themselves in the first few uses. The coupons can be used practically anywhere. Discounts at over 5,000 hotels and savings at on-line retailers, and it saves you money to boot. Get your Entertainment books and be with the in crowd.

The team Polo shirts will be on the market in a few weeks. Price has not been determined at this time, but they look to be under thirty dollars.

Garage sale is coming soon. So, start looking through your valuable things to see what you are willing to part with. Once it is turned in to the rugby club, you can not change your mind and ask for it back. It could be given back to you at a small fee though.

On Saturday Sept 24th, We will be helping with the San Dieguito River Park Trail Run & Hike, at Lake Hodges. By helping with this event we will be giving our Club some visibility and positive Attention. Contact Dolores at 858-674-2275 ext. 14 for sign up!


Gentlemen, the time has come for us to do what all good rugby players are called upon to do. The club is looking for a lot of energetic and motivated individuals to play for the Gurkhas. No experience is necessary. We have OPT (on the pitch training). This will be good for the team, due to fact the fact that on Saturdays, the club must field two sides. This will keep most of us from having to play two matches or playing the second match injured. The club needs the numbers. Part of your recruiting spill could be that we are going to the Bahamas in May 2001for ten days. And in the future, the club is looking into going to New Zealand and Australia.

Speaking of which, we have this new kid coming out to training now. He stands about 5'10", weighs about 175 to 185 pounds and has strawberry blonde hair. He goes by the name of Scottie Wilkes. Welcome aboard laddie.

Injury Report:

Sorry folks, Jeff McCoy hasn't had an operation, fallen off of something, broken anything, or tried to cut off any fingers of late to report to the inquiring minds. Trust me, it will happen again soon.

Up-Coming Events:

Sept 16th Tri-Tip 7's San Luis Obispo

Sept 30th Park City 15's Utah

Oct 21st Rucktoberfest Big Bear

Nov 4th Gurkhas 10's R.B. High School


On the night of September 5th, 2000, we were at the Instant Replay after training and Jeff McCoy had gone outside to smoke a cigarette (imagine that), when he returned, his alcoholic beverage had disappeared. He was wondering who could've committed such a heinous crime. No one had seen the perpetrator commit this selfish act. It was as if the dark forces of nature were working against our accident-prone comrade. The parties who are responsible for this heinous act will be dealt with most severely. Your punishment will be handshakes from all and a round of beers to you. This could have all been avoided, if Jeff McCoy would have put in more than $2.00 for the five pints of beer that he had consumed that evening.

These facts are straight from an unknown source. None of the names have been changed to protect the innocent. The gang was gathered at our favorite watering hole on a Friday night (can you imagine that?). For those of you who know MJ (Mary Jane) Sensenderfer, you know her, wife of big Will and Calloway's newest sales management prodigy. She made a statement that "she will not get pregnant just so that she could get mentioned in the newsletter". Guess what MJ?? You are on candid newsletter, wave and smile to all of the people who are reading this newsletter. Tee -Hee, Ha - Ha.

Will Sensenderfer (husband of MJ Sensenderfer), is now known as MAXI ME!!!!!!

Ray Steel is on his way back to China or Bangkok again. See you when you return, mate.

To the knowledge of this Staff, all of the above accounts are true, or might have happened. The Jeff McCoy thing really did happen.

Remember Dave Levine? He's the guy who works for Ken Grody Ford in Carlsbad. Well it has been brought to this reporter?s attention, that if you or someone that you know purchase a vehicle from that dealership, whether it is a Ford or a GMC, that member of the club will get $50 taken off of your dues. The club will also receive $250 from Ken Grody Ford for generating more business for that dealership. The name of the game for the North County Escondido Rugby Club is SPONSORSHIP. That is the only way the club will be able to meet the goals that has been set forth by our illustrious leaders. We as club members should be talking to different businesses and trying to generate income for the things the club wants to do in the future.